Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tranquility between a husband and a wife

יש חיבור של "ת" ויש חיבור של "א": There is a male female connection in the letter Aleph and in the letter Tav.  The letter tov in hebrew, ת, entails a combination of two letters, ח and נ, ches represents life חיות-, which actually represents חכמה- wisdom, which symbolizes the sun. One needs to rid his vanities, whereby, the soul is the boss and not the body.  נ represents Malchut-which symbolizes the moon. The moon has no light of its own, but what it receives from the sun. This is the same principle between the husband and the wife. The husband symbolizes the sun and the wife symbolizes the moon. One must act accordingly and flow with the cosmic world which was intended for us to learn from. For example, at the beginning of the new moon a cycle of fifteen days are needed for the moon to process fully. After it's full, it is another fifteen days where the moon starts receding and eventually disappears. A woman's menstrual cycle, is exactly the same cycle as the moon.  The א represents existence. It is a formation of two יודין and a ו in-between, numerically adds up to 26, the name of Havaya יקוק. The sun is the top letter Yod and the moon is the bottom yod with a heaven ו separating them. The two weeks a husband and a wife are separated, similar to separating the letter ת in two-ח-נ which combines as the word נחת, where the relationship then survives through communication.  Note the letter ח is open from the bottom: it shines downwards, to the lowest level possible. Maybe that is why the letter נ is open to the side; it shines towards the earthliness, the world. Therefore, the נ takes but does not give back to the sun. The only advantage the nun gives is by spreading the light to the world by announcing there is a sun. But the sun has no existence in the world without the nun and that is why when they are in their complete connection they spell the letter ת inseparable.  One can only talk with Nachas and not to be stringent.-קפדן- Look at Likutei Moharan tora #1 and #6. The א represents existence. It is a combination of two יודין and a ו in-between, numerically adds up to 26, the name of Havaya יקוק. The sun is the top Yod and the moon is the bottom yod with a heaven ו separating them. By having patience you exist and the service of communication and discussion helps you to grow and get more existence in this world. It is not a wonder that the beracha of shema kolenu is the sphere of Malchut. I need to elaborate, but not at this moment, the goal of the woman is prayer, to make a house of prayer. The soul is the one that gives nourishment to the body and to her children.  Prayer is the weapon of a Jew, but one needs to know how to balance between kindness and might, this is called Tiferet (harmony)…. Look at Rabbi Nachman’s book; Likutei Moharan discourse no. 2.

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